Ripples in Simulation
Hello, I am currently using the pepper function to simulate a two component powder spectra. I have noticed that the simulation has pretty severe rippling in it. Per the user guide, I tried increasing the gridsize, but this doesn't really seem to help. I have included pictures of gridsizes of 19, 181, and 300. Included below is the script that I have. I was wondering if there was anything in the script that I might be missing that is inducing these ripples, since I am still new to EasySpin. I appreciate any insights on the matter!
Data = dlmread('file.txt', '\t', 1, 0);
B = Data(:, 1);
spc = Data(:, 2);
B = B(1:6000);
B = B/10;
Exp.CenterSweep =[320 600];
Exp.mwFreq = 9.353809;
Exp.nPoints = 6000;
Exp.ModAmp = 1;
Exp.Temperature = 10;
%Component 1
Sys0.S = 1/2;
Sys0.g = [5.75686557613257 5.58321373597561 1.99275217276477];
Sys0.lwpp = 2.14278494187109; %in mT 1.82172230612951
Sys0.HStrain = [423.142628549750 878.265239790310 11.4491219726372];
%Sys0.gStrain=[0 0.1 0];
SysVary0.g = [0.1 0.1 0.1];
SysVary0.HStrain = [150 180 50];
%SysVary0.gStrain=[0.18 0.043 0];
SysVary0.lwpp = 5;
%Component 2
Sys1.S = 1/2;
Sys1.g = [2.61766621912696 2.23007773414852 1.80619903241103];
Sys1.lwpp = 1.47293212084371;
Sys1.HStrain = [174.251758070979 39.2686298569257 157.628563641514];
SysVary1.g = [0.1 0.1 0.1];
SysVary1.HStrain = [10 10 10];
SysVary1.lwpp = 1;
%Weight each system in the spectra
Sys0.weight = 135;
Sys1.weight = 82;
SysVary0.weight = 15;
SysVary1.weight = 15;
FitOpt.Scaling = 'minmax';
Opt.GridSize = 181;
[Bsim,spcsim] = pepper({Sys0,Sys1},Exp);