Problem with chili from EasySpin 6.0.0
Dear all,
I don't understand the meaning of the warning displayed when using chili with two nucleus with EasysSpin 6.0.x.
This code for example:
Code: Select all
Exp.Range=[341 357];
Sys.g=[2.0082 2.0061 2.0022];
Sys.A=[14 14 104;...
8 11 14];
results in a lot of:
Warning: Colon operands must be real scalars. This warning will become an error in a future release.
In chili_basisbuild
In chili
In compisoloop
In chili
In testA2 (line 13)
The calculation is considerably slower than a calculation made with previous versions of EasySpin (<6.0.0), for which there was no warning.
Thks for your help!