Fitting of EPR with SOC and CF Parameters

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Fitting of EPR with SOC and CF Parameters

Post by ahand3 »


I would like some guidance on fitting EPR spectra with spin-orbit coupling (SOC), crystal field (CF), and g. Can esfit with pepper accomplish this task?

Context: I have a molecular magnet system with suspected unquenched spin-orbit coupling. I also believe standard zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameters D and E cannot be applied, what are the appropriate anisotropy/ crystal field parameters to use?

An example Matlab script would be useful.


Stefan Stoll
EasySpin Creator
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Location: University of Washington

Re: Fitting of EPR with SOC and CF Parameters

Post by Stefan Stoll »

Adam, this is possible. Check out the least-squares fitting examples and the associated user guide to see how to use esfit. Regarding angular momentum, SOC, and crystal field parameters, see the documentation on spin systems.

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