Hi all,
I have done an EPR computation with Orca to compare to an experiment, but I cant get a reproduction of the experimental spectra.
The molecule is an azobenze with two TEMPO groups added, so it has quite a lot of hydrogen atoms. While I initially planned on using the garlic method to generate the spectrum it apparently doesnt work with the nitrogen atoms of the azo-bridge, so I switched to the chili method. Since the resulting matrix was way too big I tried changing the gridsize, and I also tried reducing the space by using mt2mhz(0.14) as a cutoff to reduce the number of atoms to 8 hydrogens, 2 nitrogens and 2 oxygenatoms. I also changed the hydrogen-, oxygen- and nitrogen atoms to their most common isotope. However this still needs an enormous amount of memory, so i couldnt produce any spectra. However, if I reduce the number of atoms to consider even further, only the nitrogens and oxygen atoms remain and the resulting spectrum does not match the experimental spectrum (a singlett compared to a triplett).
Is there any other way to reduce the space further or get a result for a calculation with this many hydrogen atoms (it should be an isotropic epr)?
Thanks in advance,