Effect of Hstrain in coupled system
Dear all,
I have a question regarding the effect of Hstrain when considering a coupled system of three 1/2 spins.
Simulating the powder spectrum, all the three Hstrain components have an effect.
Simulating the epr spectrum of a crystal, along the axis perpendicular to the plane of the triangle (Exp.SampleFrame = [0 0 0]), only Hstrain_z counts, which I consider right.
Trying to simulate the epr spectrum along the a axis of the crystal (i.e. in the plane of the triangle, Exp.SampleFrame = [0 pi/2 0]), I find that only Hstrain_x counts, while Hstrain_y has no effect.
This is quite unexpected to me: can you help me to understand the reason?
Thanks in advance.
Here the code I use
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Exp.mwFreq = 9.4;
Exp.Temperature = 30;
Exp.ModAmp = 0.5;
Exp.Range = [231.545 398.555];
Exp.nPoints = 2048;
gxA = 2.0266;
gyA = 2.0577;
gzA = 2.189;
gA = [gxA gyA gzA];
JA = 281*29.98e3;
Hstrainx = 600;
Hstrainy = 0;
Hstrainz = 1200;
Exp.SampleFrame = [0 pi/2 0];
Exp.MolFrame = [0 0 0];
g3A = [5 0 0];
% Triangle A
Sys1.S = [1/2 1/2 1/2];
Sys1.g = [gA; gA; gA];
Sys1.HStrain = [Hstrainx Hstrainy Hstrainz];
Sys1.gFrame = [g3A; g3A+[120 0 0]; g3A+[240 0 0]]*pi/180;
Sys1.J = [JA JA JA];
xlabel('Magnetic field (G)','FontSize',16,'FontWeight','bold')
ylabel('EPR signal (arb. units)','FontSize',16,'FontWeight','bold')