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Re: Distance between two Spins

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 5:52 am
by sg_epr
Does it mean that J, eeD and dvec model (all together) will not work for two spins which are not identical (having dissimilar g tensors)? If so and then if I use, J_anisotropic would be Sigma Jij/3 but how can I calculate Jdip from 3X3 tensor ?

Re: Distance between two Spins

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:39 am
by thanasis
Well, I have mostly worked with the entire because I like building the Hamiltonian by hand. The approach I described has worked pretty well in systems I had to treat.


I guess you could use sys.eeD, if you properly define gFrame for your second spin (consider the first spin as a frame of reference). I haven't actually worked that way, so I cannot give more precise advice, but you could then avoid all those analytical expressions and be more free to define your g tensors. You would however have to work out how the Euler angles work for your system.