I was wondering whether it is possible in Easyspin to include electron electron interactions and motional averaging. Garlic gives a clear message that it only works with a single S=1/2 so I intended to use chili even though my experimental data is possibly a little more towards the fast rather than slow-motional regime. After working out how to input the hyperfine interactions correctly I've got some simple code that will work with pepper, but chili gives an error:
Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
From minimal example:
Code: Select all
Sys=struct('S',[1/2 1/2],'g',[2.0023; 2.0023],'Nucs','14N,14N',...
'A',[20 20 80 0 0 0; 0 0 0 20 20 80],'lw',0.1,'logtcorr',-9,'ee',10)
I couldn't find anything in the documentation or forum saying Sys.ee can't be used with chili, but equally couldn't find examples in which they are used together. As you can probably guess the system in question is a dinitroxide; I'm getting some strange lineshapes in solution that I think are down to electron-electron interactions but I wanted to play with a simulated spin system to see if the line patterns can be reproduced. Is my best option simply to use pepper with isotropic A and g?