Using pepper, I'm simulating the separate transitions of one spin 1/2 and one spin 3/2:
Code: Select all
Sys.S = [1/2; 3/2]; Sys.g = [8; 2]; = 0;
Exp = struct('Range', [1, 1000], 'mwFreq', 9.7601, 'Harmonic', 0);
Opt.Output = 'separate';
[x,y,tr] = pepper(Sys,Exp,Opt);
Can the numbering of the levels somehow be correlated to the quantum numbers of the two spins, like (-1/2,-3/2) - (-1/2,-1/2) corresponding to 1-2 ?
I'm wondering because the numbers of some transitions are changing when I reduce the first spin g-value... Like 1-5 becoming 1-4 etc.
(The aim is to separate the (S=3/2: -1/2->1/2)-transition of a (1/2, 3/2, 1/2) system with J12, J23 and D. It's hard to keep track of the numbering beyond 30 transitions...)