Are any of you aware if it is possible to apply different line widths for different transitions when calculating spectra using pepper? The "separate" output option is very convenient to look at transitions individually - perhaps one could provide an array with the same length as the number of transitions and apply line widths individually.
I do most of my EPR experiments on a home-built high-frequency setup, and line widths etc often have their own will and behave differently to what one would expect for a commercial instrument. And yes, I have checked whether strains of any kind can reproduce my observed line widths - they cannot.
Follow-up question: I use Matlab's "normpdf" to generate a gaussian array for the convolution and "conv" with the kwarg "same" to perform the convolution. However, I find that the resulting spectra depend on my x-array spacing in the pdf array. Am I doing something wrong?
% Xspc_sep is the output from pepper with the keyword 'separate', 0th harmonic and 0 line width.
mywidth = 10; %defining general line width
widths = ones(length(Xspc_sep(:,1)),1).*mywidth; %creating an Nx1 array with the width 'mywidth' for each transition. There are N transitions.
widths(28) = 1.25; %setting the width of a particular transition. The index of particular transitions may change if Hamiltonian is changes.
x = -1500:0.05:1500; %the result of the convolution depends on the spacing of this array.
for i=1:numel(widths)
normdist = normpdf(x,0,widths(i)); % generating the lineshape for the particular transition
absorps(:,i) = conv(Xspc_sep(i,:),normdist,'same'); %doing the convolution
trans(:,i) = diff(absorps(:,i)); %converting to the derivative spectrum
total_spec = sum(trans,2);
Thank you once again! I was not aware these features were built into Easyspin. I even found 'convspec' which produces the line shape and does the convolution all in one line.