Undefined spectrum

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Undefined spectrum

Post by zhangyue »

Hi Easyspin group,

I would like to ask about your opinion on this spectrum. We can't define the species because under our experimental condition, we won't expect it.
Our experimental condition is: 1ml 50mM DMPO in a capped light-fast microcentrifuge tube stays for 20 min in an ice box. The time from sampling to testing is about 5 min.
The idea is that we want to do a blank with only DMPO which is expected to be EPR silent.
The DTA and DSC files are attached. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks!

Best regards,

DMPO 20min silent condition.jpg
DMPO 20min silent condition.jpg (45.01 KiB) Viewed 4330 times
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Joined: Mon Mar 20, 2023 5:44 am

Re: Undefined spectrum

Post by CiaraDavid »

Hello Jennifer. This may be due to the presence of a substance that interferes with your experiment. If you are proposing to use DMPO as a radical spreading trap molecule, it is recommended that you conduct a series of experiments in which you examine the different effects on your result. This can change incubation time, temperature, content, and other parameters. It is also worth considering using other trap molecules to see if DMPO will actually be silenced in the upcoming experiment.

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Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:50 pm

Re: Undefined spectrum

Post by zhangyue »

Dear David,

Thanks for your explanation. Really appreciate that!

Best regards,

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