I'm trying to simulate some HYSCORE spectra with barium as one of the nuclei. It is natural abundance, so I just put in 'Ba' as the Nuc. Worked great with just Sys.A, I saw a doubled pattern just like in the experiment from 135Ba and 137Ba (both I=3/2). When I tried to improve by adding quadrupole, I got an error in Matlab:
Reference to non-existent field 'q'.
Error in validatespinsys
Error in saffron
If I change from 'Ba' to '135Ba' it works. I tried '(135,137)Ba' but only got one isotope. I tried adding them both, but then it thinks they are in the same molecule with coupling between them...
I believe the problem may be that the database of isotopes has a very low abundance isotope with a differnt spin, anybody have ideas?