Forgive my inexperience with matlab and Easyspin and thank you for this free resource. The EasySpin forums are making it into my thesis acknowledgements for sure.
We collected an experimental spectrum of a suspected homogeneous Mn(0) radical with N donor ligands at room temp in 2MeTHF. We should expect a lot of coupling from Mn (5/2) and 4 nitrogens however, the collected spectrum is very broad and lacks any real coupling, maybe as expected. To confirm our suspicions we simulated the EPR using ORCA and when inputting it into EasySpin, it looks entirely different. That is, until we increase the lw to very high, 50 mT or above, when it actually starts to resemble the experimental. My question is this: how much lw is too much lw? Is it appropriate to keep increasing the lw until it matches the experimental?
Here is my script and a picture of the experimental is attached.
Sys = orca2easyspin('EPR-mono2.prop',0.5)
Sys = nucspinkeep(Sys, [1 2 4 7])
Exp.mwFreq = 9.85
Sys.lw = [50]
%tcorr = 5e-10
Exp.Range = [200 500]