The strain is modeled by a gaussian distribution both in ES and in the paper. The only difference is how is characterized this gaussian distribution. FWHM is used in ES. Standard deviation is used in the paper (FWHM=2.sigma.(2.ln(2))0.5=2.3548.sigma).
Then I replace the corresponding line in the first code with
Code: Select all
Sys.DStrain=[0 2.3548*0.60]*0.7*29979.2458;%K in cm-1 in MHz
And no resonance field is found at 9.1GHz...
You are totally right when saying
the simulation really only comes from the edge of the distribution
Let's determine the E values giving resonance(s) with constant D and 0=<E/D<=1/3, and see if these values are included in the E-distribution
Code: Select all
Sys.g=[2 2.06 2.14];
E=linspace(-8/3,0,100); % 0<=E/D<=1/3
Exp.Range=[0 300];%mT
%%% E values leading to resonance field
for k=1:numel(E)
Sys.D=[D E(k)]*0.7*29979.2458;%in cm-1 in MHz
data{k,1}=resfields(Sys,Exp,Opt); %resonance position(s)
%%%gaussian distribution of E and intersection with E values giving resonance
index_res=~cellfun(@isempty,data(:,1));%index where resonance is found
plot(E,probaE); % E dsitribution
hold on
xlabel('E (K)')
title('E distribution')
The execution of this code gives:
- E_distribution_reduced.jpg (21.65 KiB) Viewed 10541 times
The colored edge of the distribution represents the E values with resonance.
Why ES and especially pepper does not take this edge of the distribution into account, even if no resonance arises from the central value of the E distribution?
Thanks for your help!