Need help with a weird copy file.

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Need help with a weird copy file.

Post by Macgomes »

Hello everyone,,

So I am aware of Matlab's function to create .asv files. Let me be clear that this is not that.

For reference I'm running mobdro lucky patcher kodi on an Alienware 17 R3 with an i7-6700HQ, 8 GB RAM, 64 bit Windows 10.

The issue that I'm having is, every so often, Matlab will create a copy of a .m file that I'm editing such that if


Is my original file, then


is the file that gets created (where COMPUTERNAME is the computer name that can be found in Control Panel>System and Security>System). What's more, if I fail to notice, sometimes it will make multiples by adding (1), (2), etc. at the end of COMPUTERNAME. Is there any way to stop this?
Stefan Stoll
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Re: Need help with a weird copy file.

Post by Stefan Stoll »

Somebody over at MATLAB Central might be able to help with this.
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