I am trying to use the
parameter in ES 5.2.9 to fit a spectrum of two centers with dipolar and hyperfine interactions. The code works well until I include Exp.Ordering
, at which time I get the error:
My code is:Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
Error in pepper (line 450)
Error in pepper (line 159)
Error in constraingdip_exact (line 21)
[x,y] = pepper(fullSys,Exp,Opt);
Error in esfit>assess (line 831)
Error in esfit_simplex (line 77)
Error in esfit>runFitting (line 677)
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
Code: Select all
clear all;
close all;
[B,spc,params] = eprload('PhCOO1.spc');
ACuxy=0; ACuz=270; %Aperp and Apar for Cu in MHz
r = 4.5; % Distance in Angstrom
eta = 0*pi/180; % eta angle
xi = 0*pi/180; % xi angle
Sys1.S = [1/2 1/2];
Sys1.g=[1.6 2.3; 1.6 2.3];
Sys1.Nucs = '63Cu,63Cu';
Sys1.A = [ACuxy ACuz 0 0; 0 0 ACuxy ACuz];
Sys1.gStrain = [0.02 0; 0.02 0];
Sys1.r = r;
Sys1.eta = eta;
Sys1.xi = xi;
Sys1.lwpp=[0 4];
Exp.Temperature = 4.6; Exp.mwFreq=params.MF; Exp.CenterSweep=[params.HCF/10 params.HSW/10]; Exp.nPoints=params.RES;
Exp.Ordering = +1;
Vary1.g = [0.0 0.1];
Vary1.gStrain = [0.01 0.00]; % Axial system
Vary1.A = [0 50];
Vary1.r = 0.1;
Vary1.eta = 0*pi/180;
Vary1.xi = 0*pi/180;
Vary1.lwpp = [0 0];
FitOpt.Method = 'simplex fcn';
FitOpt.Scaling = 'lsq1';
Code: Select all
function [x,y] = constrain(Sys1,Exp,Opt)
gx = Sys1.g(1,1); gy = Sys1.g(1,1); gz = Sys1.g(1,2);
Jxx = gx^2*(1-3*sin(Sys1.eta)^2*sin(Sys1.xi)^2);
Jyy = gy^2*(1-3*cos(Sys1.eta)^2*sin(Sys1.xi)^2);
Jzz = gz^2*(1-3*cos(Sys1.xi)^2);
Jxy = -3*gx*gy*sin(Sys1.xi)^2*sin(Sys1.eta)*cos(Sys1.eta);
Jxz = -3*gx*gz*sin(Sys1.xi)*cos(Sys1.xi)*sin(Sys1.eta);
Jyz = -3*gy*gz*sin(Sys1.xi)*cos(Sys1.xi)*cos(Sys1.eta);
fullSys = Sys1;
fullSys.g = [Sys1.g];
fullSys.gStrain = [Sys1.gStrain(1,1) Sys1.gStrain(1,2); Sys1.gStrain(1,1) Sys1.gStrain(1,2)];
fullSys.A = [Sys1.A];
fulSys.Nucs = '63Cu,63Cu';
fullSys.ee = 12993*Sys1.r^-3*[Jxx Jxy Jxz; Jxy Jyy Jyz; Jxz Jyz Jzz];
[x,y] = pepper(fullSys,Exp,Opt);