Search found 6 matches

by Yahor Savich
Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:56 am
Forum: General forum
Topic: Pepper: rotate ordering potential.
Replies: 1
Views: 2301

Pepper: rotate ordering potential.

Hello, EasySpin enthusiasts. If I understand correctly, in pepper you can either rotate coordinates by CrystalFrame (MolFrame did not do anything for me), or use ordering potential that is centered around z axis of the lab frame, but you cannot use them simultaneously. I am assuming that there are n...
by Yahor Savich
Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:02 am
Forum: General forum
Topic: Tie several variables to a common value
Replies: 10
Views: 12224

Re: Tie several variables to a common value

Yes, that was my motivation to construct pepperOG function. But since esfit parses through the components, the code below won't keep same g tensors changing simultaneously: Sys1.g = [2.007 2.006 2.002]; Sys2.g = Sys1.g; Vary1.g = [0 0 0.005]; Vary2.g = 0; Currently I have to vary g tensors for Sys1 ...
by Yahor Savich
Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:18 am
Forum: General forum
Topic: Tie several variables to a common value
Replies: 10
Views: 12224

Re: Tie several variables to a common value

This is a very useful thread, but I have to use different Exp variables for my components. I am fitting a multi-component oriented data with different orientation and here is the custom function I use: function [x,y] = pepperOG(Sys,Exp) Exp.Ordering = @(phi,theta) gaussian(theta,Sys.theta0*pi/180,Sy...
by Yahor Savich
Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:41 am
Forum: General forum
Topic: Fitting with weights to catch artefacts
Replies: 1
Views: 1936

Fitting with weights to catch artefacts

Dear EasySpin community!

Is there a way to program esfit's attention only on specific regions of the spectrum?

I have a rigid limit artefacts that I want to fit carefully. One way is to eprload a tiny piece of spectrum but there should be more clever way...
by Yahor Savich
Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:35 am
Forum: General forum
Topic: simulation of various concentration of material
Replies: 1
Views: 1954

Re: simulation of various concentration of material

1. Qualitatively, absorption of microwave energy is proportional to number of spins. You can calculate 2nd integral of each spectra and find ratio. That will give you the ratio of concentrations.

2.Sure, just simulate whatever you want (pepper, chili, etc.) and plot it with different coefficients.
by Yahor Savich
Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:57 pm
Forum: General forum
Topic: Custom simulation function: fit single-crystal rotation
Replies: 2
Views: 3554

Re: Custom simulation function: fit single-crystal rotation

Dear Dr. Stoll, these two sentences in your previous post were so useful! After a week of reading documentation I finally found it.