mint - inelastic neutron scattering simulation

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mint - inelastic neutron scattering simulation

Post by mlbaker »

mint: simulation of inelastic neutron scattering induced magnetic excitations for single-ions & finite exchange coupled spin-systems

If you have an EPR simulation performed using easyspin discover what the INS would look like using mint.

mint simulates inelastic neutron scattering (INS) induced magnetic excitations for single-ions and finite systems of exchange coupled magnetic ions. INS provides complementary information to EPR. mint can be used to aid the planning of INS experiments and for fitting experimental data to Hamiltonian models. Such models can be applied to define the electronic structure and magnetism of single-ion magnets and exchange coupled polynuclear compounds. mint uses easyspin syntax to generate a given spin Hamiltonian matrix and runs as an additional core function in easyspin.

For details, download and user manual go to:

Michael L. Baker
The University of Manchester, Department of Chemistry.

Stefan Stoll
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Re: mint - inelastic neutron scattering simulation

Post by Stefan Stoll »

Nice, this looks like an awesome function - thanks for sharing!

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Re: mint - inelastic neutron scattering simulation

Post by thanasis »

The last program I knew that could do this for arbitrary user-defined systems was MAGPACK.

Nice to see there is a more recent alternative!

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