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Creating Pulse Sequence using the pulse function

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 3:11 pm
by PulseQuence

Hi, is it possible to create a sequence of pulses using just the pulse() function?

I just want to create a three-pulse sequence, with pi/2 pulses on the sides and pi in the middle. But I cannot find the parameters in pulse() where I can specify the start time of a pulse and the delay between pulses.

I know you can create such a sequence when using saffron(), however, you cannot plot the amplitudes vs time to visualize the whole pulse sequence which is what I want.

A user called nwili on the forum seems to suggest that it is possible to define a pulse shape that includes all the pulses and delays, though I don't know how to do that exactly using pulse().

Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks!