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Difficulties with Simulating Hyperfines and esfit

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:34 am
by bookit
I've been ripping my hair out trying to simulate a spectra I have of a Copper(II) bipyridine nitrate sample. I can simulate it fairly well if I ignore the hyperfine interactions:Image

but the moment I try to fit to the hyperfines that are occurring at around 330mT, it gets really ugly. The hyperfines are most likely from the copper and have a distance of about 4 Gauss (~115MHz) separating each. When I try to fit using esfit, it ends up ignoring the hyperfines and moving towards the plot shown above. However, when I try to fit it manually, I can't get it close to where it should be.

Here's my code for esfit:

Code: Select all

%Calling data

% Spin System Values
Sys0.g=[2.2279 2.1425 2.0210];
Sys0.gStrain=[.0868 .0264 .0383];
Sys0.lw=[.5 .5];
Sys0.A=[115 115 115];
Sys0.AStrain=[10 10 10];

%Experimental Values

Vary.g=[.01 .01 .01];
Vary.gStrain=[.025 .025 .025];
Vary.lw=[.25 .25];
Vary.A=[25 25];
Vary.AStrain=[10 10];

It results in this fitting:

Does anyone have suggestions on how to go about this? I'm fairly new to EasySpin so I could easily be missing something.

Re: Difficulties with Simulating Hyperfines and esfit

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 8:53 am
by Stefan Stoll
It looks like you are trying to fit 12 parameters at the same time. That's too many. Fit without hyperfine, and then fix the g values and linewidth, and let only the hyperfine values vary. Then alternate.

Re: Difficulties with Simulating Hyperfines and esfit

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:16 am
by bookit
I've done that, it still just tries to fit ignoring the hyperfines. It ends up changing the A and AStrain values so that the hyperfines aren't visible at all.

Re: Difficulties with Simulating Hyperfines and esfit

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:31 am
by Stefan Stoll
Probably your search ranges are too wide. esfit won't automatically find the global minimum, it's a tool to help you find it, so it needs to be steered.

Re: Difficulties with Simulating Hyperfines and esfit

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:25 am
by katarkon
Bookit, I see an error in your script. The fields A and AStrain in Vary structure have less elements than in Sys one. So, the last elements of the fields will not vary during fitting routine.
Also, the Sys.S=3/2 probably is incorrect. For copper(II) d9 ion the S=1/2 value is expected, for my opinion.
At last, I propose an explicit hyperfine splitting only on the first (weak-field) component of the spectrum.
Good luck.