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SimLabel: a GUI to simulate cw EPR from spin labeling

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:46 am
by Emilien


Dear EasySpin users,

SimLabel is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) which uses some EasySpin functions.
SimLabel provides an easy way to visualize, simulate and fit cw EPR spectra, especially resulting from SDSL-EPR experiments (Site-Directed Spin Labeling).
Its use does not require coding and enables the user to be focused on the simulation process, on the results and their interpretation. It consists of a mixing board, with sliders, and is as intuitive as possible. Basic EasySpin knowledge is recommended but not mandatory.

pub.jpg (96.11 KiB) Viewed 92203 times

In the attached zip, simlabel.m and SimLabel_documentation.pdf are present.
Getting started:
Paste these two files in a folder of the MATLAB’s path without changing the names.
Select the local folder for your SimLabel session in the MATLAB main window (Note that you must be allowed to write in this directory. The directory of your spectra is advised).
Launch SimLabel by typing

Code: Select all


in the command window.
The documentation is accessible clicking "?" in the "SimLabel_main" window.
When the user hovers the pointer over a graphical control (like buttons, popup menus, sliders …), without clicking it, a tooltip may appear with information about the item being hovered over.

I hope this will be helpful,


Re: SimLabel: a GUI to simulate cw EPR from spin labeling

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:37 am
by Emilien
An updated version (simlabel.m and documentation) is available!
Just replace the previous files...
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Re: SimLabel: a GUI to simulate cw EPR from spin labeling

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 9:03 am
by Emilien
An updated version (simlabel.m) is available!
The bug with Matlab2014 is fixed.
Just replace the previous file...
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Re: SimLabel: a GUI to simulate cw EPR from spin labeling

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:15 am
by Emilien
Dear users,
More details on SimLabel are now availabale in the following publication:
Etienne at al, 2017, Magnetic Resnance in Chemistry, DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4578 (
If you use results obtained with the help of SimLabel in any scientific publication, please cite this paper and Stoll et al, J. Magn. Reson. 178(1), 42-55 (2006).

Many thanks,

Re: SimLabel: a GUI to simulate cw EPR from spin labeling

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:43 am
by Emilien
An upgraded version (simlabel.m and documentation) is available!
Correlation times can now be anistropic!
This new version is compatible with old simulations (isotropic correlation time).
Just replace the previous files...
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Re: SimLabel: a GUI to simulate cw EPR from spin labeling

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 7:28 am
by Given
Hi Emilien, a nice tool.

However, I have just encountered an error like following when I try to run simlable :

??? Error: File: simlabel.m Line: 460 Column: 24
Unexpected MATLAB operator.

What should I do ? The version of Matlab I used is Matlab R2009a.

Thanks a lot,

Re: SimLabel: a GUI to simulate cw EPR from spin labeling

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 8:44 am
by Emilien
Hi Given,
thanks for your interest.
this problem is related to the version of Matlab you used.
SimLabel was developped using Matlab R2010a. Unfortunately, I did not find any information on the changes between these two releases concerning the '~' symbol.
So I am sorry to say that the R2010a is at least required... Unless anyone else has an idea?


Re: SimLabel: a GUI to simulate cw EPR from spin labeling

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 2:08 pm
by Stefan Stoll
AFAIK, the ~ was introduced in R2009b. You can change the line

Code: Select all

function closeSimLabel(~,~)

Code: Select all

function closeSimLabel(src,evt)
and it should work for older version as well.

Re: SimLabel: a GUI to simulate cw EPR from spin labeling

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 2:14 am
by Emilien
Good to know... Thanks Stefan.

Given, please try this version of SimLabel (for Matlab 2009a and previous) and tell me if it works.
(229.42 KiB) Downloaded 3770 times
For users of Matlab 2009b and later, download the latest version of SimLabel (uploaded on April 24th 2017)


Re: SimLabel: a GUI to simulate cw EPR from spin labeling

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 11:26 pm
by Given
Sorry for the delay.

I just got a new version of matlab and it works well. :)

Thanks for the help.