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esfit error in timecorrelation fitting

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:03 pm
by hrishik

I am doing a simulation using esfit to find out the time correlation. But I got the following error. I don't know why. I have used the same code in Windows. It is working fine, but it is not working on Mac. Is there any problem with the path or directory on the Mac? I am attaching the code. Please have a look and help me out. If it is not working, can you please provide me a code for time-correlation extraction from nitroxide EPR spectra using garlic and esfit.

Error using esfit
First argument must be numeric experimental data in
the form of a vector.

Error in timecorrelation (line 22)

The following is the code I am using.

[B,spc] = textread('0%@rt.txt','%f %f',1024,'headerlines',10);%importing file

plot (B,spc)

Sys.g =[2.00882]; %G value
Sys.Nucs = '14N'; % type of nucleus
Sys.A = [46.7866 42.5593 36.5135];% Hyperfine interactions.Program uses MHz not gauss (1 gauss = 2.8Mhz)
Sys.lwpp = [0.146]; %linewidth peak to peak
Exp.mwFreq = 9.785000; %frequency of microwaves
Exp.mwPhase = 0;
Exp.Range = [344 352]; %sweep width. In mT (1 mT = 10 gauss)
Sys.logtcorr = [-10]; % s

SysVary.g = [0.5];
SysVary.A = [5 5 5];
SysVary.lwpp = [1];
SysVary.logtcorr = [1];


Re: esfit error in timecorrelation fitting

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:33 am
by DanielKlose

Are you using the same EasySpin Version in both Windows and Mac?
You can find out simply using the command "easyspin".
The error indicates your input arguments to esfit might have the wrong format on Mac. You can check the documentation entry of esfit for the EasySpin version you are using from within Matlab (by "easyspin doc").