Potential bug with curry soc

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Potential bug with curry soc

Post by MPerfetti »

I am trying to calculate the magnetization (or magnetic susceptibility) of a system composed by a Eu3+ ion coupled with a radical. The script did not seem to work and the calculation done by curry seems incosistent with the energy level structure and the EPR calculation performed with pepper.
I have analysed the problem by dividing it into blocks. The problem seems to arise from the SOC.
A simpler system is:
L=3, S=3, and soc=200 cm-1. Considering the sign of SOC (+SOCLS), I would expect the chiT to be very low (ca. 0, except for the Zeeman mixing). I get a chiT of ca. 12 emuKmol-1. I have calculated this value from CGS units, SI units and even from M in mub and it always gives the same.
Significantly, if I reverse the sign of the soc I also do not get any meaninful value (and I get a value that is LOWER than the one with positive SOC).
The case with negative SOC should lead to the electronic structure of Tb3+ (i.e. costant chiT = 11.82 emuKmol-1). I have also tried other L and S values and the problem persists (i.e. it is not fixed by changing the sign of SOC). Increasing soc makes the situation worst.
Hereafter the script.

Thank you in advance!

Exp.Field = 100
Exp.Temperature = linspace(2,300,500);
[chitsim] = curry(Sys,Exp,Opt);
plot(Exp.Temperature,chitsim, '-k', 'Linewidth',2)

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Re: Potential bug with curry soc

Post by Lorenzo74 »

Dear Mauro, dear Stefan,
it looks like the problem is in the way ES deals with the Zeeman effect of the orbital angular momentum, which is apparently fixed at gL=-1 instead of the correct gL=1. This is quite clear if one calculates the same system assuming two spins (of which one simulates an orbital momentum): the correct chi or chiT is calculated when fixing g(S2)=1, while the wrong one, identical to that obtained by using the S,L basis with soc, is obtained when fixing gL=-1. I attach below the testing script.

Code: Select all

%Calculation with S, L basis
Exp.Field = 1000;
chi = curry(Europium,Exp,Opt);
hold on
%Calculation by simulating L with an effective S.
% The correct expected curve is obtained by fixing g(S2)=1 
% If g(S2)=-1 the same curve as in the L.S basis is obtained. 
Eurospin.S=[3 3]
Eurospin.g=[gfree 1]
chispin = curry(Eurospin,Exp,Opt);

I guess the origin of the bug is the fact that the L,S representation has been first implemented to deal with octahedral Co(II) which is usually treated as an effective L=1 but with gL=-1 (due to P,T isomorphism) except for a parametric orbital reduction factor.

Best regards,

Stefan Stoll
EasySpin Creator
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Re: Potential bug with curry soc

Post by Stefan Stoll »

Can you please check if this problem still exists in the latest 6.0.0-dev.x version? If yes, please post an updated script, and we'll look into it.Thanks!

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