Need help with simulation of this spectrum

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Need help with simulation of this spectrum

Post by subhamsarkar98 »

EPR_CuLCfla.png (22.86 KiB) Viewed 24826 times

This is the spectrum I am trying to simulate.
I have been given the information that is a copper (ii) axial complex.
I am pasting the code I have written :

[B,spc] = textread('EPR_CuLClfla.txt','%f %f');
plot (B,spc);
Exp.mwFreq = 9; %Ghz
Exp.Range = [min(B) max(B)]; %mT
Exp.nPoints = numel(B);

Sys.g = [1.97 2.17];
Sys.Nucs = 'Cu'
Sys.A = [85 429]
Sys.lwpp = [0 2.3];
%Sys.S = 5/2
Sys.gStrain = [0.1 0.10];

SysVary.g = [0.05 0.05];
SysVary.gStrain = [0.025 0.025];


I am new to EPR and easyspin, so any help will be extremely appreciated :). Thank you!

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