Hybrid method in pepper for two electrons

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Hybrid method in pepper for two electrons

Post by katarkon »

If matrix method used, the pepper works fine but slow. But with hybrid methods some bugs occur although it still possible to make it working. If Sys.J is used, the pepperthrows an error.

Code: Select all

Error using resfields (line 317)
Both Sys.ee and (Sys.J,Sys.dvec,Sys.eeD) are given - use only one or the other!
Error in E:\easyspin-5.2.2\easyspin\pepper.p>pepper (line 636)
Error in E:\easyspin-5.2.2\easyspin\pepper.p>pepper (line 153)
It looks that pepper calculates ee matrix from J one but does not remove Sys.J field before calling resfieldsfunction. Here the script illustrating the problem.

Code: Select all

    Sys.S = [0.5,0.5];
    Sys.g = [2.00986,2.009967];
    Sys.J = 200;
    %Sys.ee=[200 200 200];
    Sys.Nucs = ['14N,1H'];
    Sys.A = [3.5,0;0,18];
    Sys.lwpp = [0 0.05];
    Exp.mwFreq = 9.452387;
    Exp.Range = [335 337];
    Exp.nPoints = 4096;
    Exp.CrystalOrientation = [0 0 0];

    Opt.Method = 'hybrid';

If Sys.ee matrix used instead Sys.J the pepperworks fine. But if number of nuclei more then two, another error is occur.

Code: Select all

Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
Error in E:\easyspin-5.2.2\easyspin\private\validatespinsys.p>validatespinsys (line 649)
Error in E:\easyspin-5.2.2\easyspin\resfields.p>resfields (line 316)
Error in E:\easyspin-5.2.2\easyspin\pepper.p>pepper (line 636)
Error in E:\easyspin-5.2.2\easyspin\pepper.p>pepper (line 153)
Here the script illustrating the problem.

Code: Select all

    Sys.S = [0.5,0.5];
    Sys.g = [2.00986,2.009967];
    %Sys.J = 200;
    Sys.ee=[200 200 200];
    Sys.Nucs = ['14N,1H,1H'];
    Sys.A = [3.5,0,6;0,18,0];
    Sys.lwpp = [0 0.05];
    Exp.mwFreq = 9.452387;
    Exp.Range = [335 337];
    Exp.nPoints = 4096;
    Exp.CrystalOrientation = [0 0 0];

    Opt.Method = 'hybrid';
    Opt.HybridCoreNuclei = [];

If add all of nuclei to Opt.HybridCoreNuclei, there are no errors. If some of the nuclei added, another error occur.

Code: Select all

Error using resfields (line 317)
Full matrices are specified in Sys.nn, so nnFrame is not allowed.
Error in E:\easyspin-5.2.2\easyspin\pepper.p>pepper (line 636)
Error in E:\easyspin-5.2.2\easyspin\pepper.p>pepper (line 153)
It looks that pepper builds wrong spin system for core nuclei.
Stefan Stoll
EasySpin Creator
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Location: University of Washington

Re: Hybrid method in pepper for two electrons

Post by Stefan Stoll »

Thanks for reporting. These bugs are fixed in 5.2.7.
Local Expert
Posts: 188
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:01 am

Re: Hybrid method in pepper for two electrons

Post by katarkon »

Thanks. Is there any way to grant the access to source code of EasySpin for me? Sometimes it is much faster to find a bug by myself than try to reproduce it.
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