Line shapes

The most common line shapes in EPR are Gaussian and Lorentzian. In addition, Dysonians and Voigtians are used.


The formula for a Gaussian absorption line shape normalized so that its integral is 1 is


where x0 is the line centre and [eqn] is the distance between the inflection points. It is related to the FWHM (full width at half height) via


At the center x0 the value of the Gaussian is


The first derivative has a peak-to-peak distance of [eqn].

The integral of the Gaussian line shape function is

The formula for a Lorentzian absorption line shape normalized so that its integral is 1 is


where x0 is the center and [eqn] is the distance between the inflection points. It is related to the FWHM (full width at half height) via


At the center x0 the value of the Lorentzian is


The first derivative has a peak-to-peak distance of [eqn].

The integral of the Lorentzian line shape function is
Voigtian and Pseudovoigtian

The Voigt line shape is the convolution of Lorentzian and a Gaussian line shape. It cannot be expressed in closed analytical form. It can be approximated by a linear combination of a Lorentzian and a Gaussian, a so-called pseudo-Voigt function.